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Steam Quality User Group

We have started an SQ1 User Group and Forum using LinkedIn to provide existing SQ1 Users with access to the latest product news, downloads such as manuals, papers, specifications, calculators etc. and a Forum to discuss steam quality testing. We have started the forum by adding a number of FAQ’s, which we hope you will find useful.

If you are an existing SQ1 User but have not yet been invited to join, please use the link below. If you are not a LinkedIn member, hit the Join LinkedIn tab to register. It only takes a moment.

The User Group is intended for existing SQ1 owners only. If you have been sent this message as a purchaser, distributor or intermediary we ask that you notify the end users of the SQ1 and ask them to sign up to the SQ1 User Group using the link below.

If you do not have a LinkedIn account, once you click on the link below you will have to spend a minute registering. Once you have confirmed your email, and signed back in to LinkedIn. Select “Groups” from the search drop down and type “SQ1 User Group”, then click on “Join this group”, which is displayed under the group description.

If you do have a LinkedIn account, all you have to do is follow this link and sign in. Once logged on to LinkedIn click on Join Group at the bottom of the screen.

Thank you.

SQ1 User  Group