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Steam Quality Test Training

Who needs training?

It is vital that those undertaking the testing of steam quality understand the properties of steam, the risks associated with steam quality testing and the impact of the different variables on the test results.

For other personnel, such as those in Validation, QA and Engineering, they should be aware of the derivation of the tests, the regulatory expectations and what steps to take in the event of adverse results.

Training Experience

The training is offered in two formats, basic “hands on” and a formal training course. The “hands on” training is usually provided by one of our formally trained and certified Test Persons1. The formal training course will be provided by Keith Shuttleworth who has trained large numbers of personnel around the world, including the UK’s Medicines Control Agency (MCA) and who is recognised as a leading authority on the subject of steam quality. Keith has spoken at many forums and conferences on the subject and has an input into the various regulatory/advisory documents produced. Keith was registered as An Authorised Person (Sterilizers)1 in 1996.

Basic Training

We can provide a qualified (and certified) Test Person (Sterilizers) to provide training using the SQ1 Portable Steam Quality Testing Kit. The training provided familiarises the delegates with the test equipment, details the hazards involved with steam quality testing and the provision of hints and tips to allow a consistent approach to testing. The training is provided in English.

Formal Training

We provide a 1 day formal training session comprising of a morning theoretical session using a PowerPoint presentation supplemented with comprehensive notes, dealing with the derivation of steam quality and steam quality test limits, basic steam theory, plant and clean steam generation, the test methods utilised and acceptance criteria.

Steam Quality Training Master Class

This is an on-site one day workshop. This option will provide delegates with a detailed theoretical and practical knowledge of all aspects of steam quality testing. Topics include:

  • Steam quality theory
  • Test point installation
  • Health & Safety
  • Testing techniques
  • Hands on training
  • Troubleshooting

After completion of the masterclass, delegates receive comprehensive notes and Certificates of Attendance. Formal assessments and certification of competence are also available on request.


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Your Tutor

Keith Shuttleworth is the Senior Consultant at KS & A, which provides a range of specialist products, consultancy and training services associated with sterilization processes and steam quality testing to an international market. He has some 25 years practical experience in the procurement, commissioning, validation and maintenance of sterilizers.

Keith was registered as an Authorised Person (Sterilizers) from October 1994 until his retirement from this role in April 2019. He was a member of the British Standards Institute Committee CH/198 (Sterilization of Medical Devices), Chair of the P & HSS Sterilization Special Interest Group and has been a member of the PDA Task forces for Sterilizer Validation and SIP Technical Reports.

Keith has provided a wide range of presentations for ISPE, PDA and P&HSS, in addition to providing numerous in house training sessions throughout the world (including the UK’s MRHA Inspectors).
